Oddities I've noticed:
1. BBCodes options are an all or nothing setting. It would be nice to have per usergroup settings for BBCode font, size, color, etc, not just for everyone or no one.
2. Even when I turn off the ability to use font, size and color options, they are still available in the BBcode bar. Shouldn't they be hidden? They don't do anything, so why are they visible? I do wish I could limit specific usergroups access to these BBcodes (see #1).
3. There is no size setting for the Users Online area, especially when embedded. The default size is HUGE compared to most of my forums. Had to forcefully modify the templates to fix it. It would also be nice to show the online users on the side as an option.
4. There should be an option to reverse the alt1/alt2 color scheme. I like my shouts on white, not grey. Again, had to mod the templates to fix it. I would also appreciate a theme override color scheme -- I may not want odd theme colors to be used in the shoutbox so my eyes don't bleed. In other words, if I have a dark theme, I may still want black shouts on white backgrounds.
5. There are too many confirmation popups. If I delete a shout, I don't need a popup telling me I deleted it. I can see that it's gone.

Any way to make it so when we double click a post, there's a little red "
X" in front of it for a quick delete option?
6. If you choose to private shout someone using the drop down menu, you must click the Save button after typing your text, not just click Return/Enter, or it does nothing. Using /pm uname ... doesn't work well for me, if at all. Keep getting user not found errors. *shrug*
7. Is there a way to place the shoutbox into a simple php page, without any clutter, that expands to fill the entire window?
8. clicking the full page icon just opens the shoutbox in a new tab thanks to new browser behaviors. I was able to use a simple javascript edit to fix this.
9. new feature idea: option to enable a small reply icon (10x10 curving arrow or something) in front of each post. It's function: add "@uname: " to the shout input box automatically (kind of like twitter). This would be a welcome shortcut. I'm about to mod this in as well.
10. new feature idea: "Show More" link at the bottom of the chat area. Function: use ajax to load the previous X number of chats into the current window (reversed if you view newest at the top). Using this function should suspend refreshing and make the refresh button visible. Clicking the refresh button should reload the chat like normal.
11. the users online count seems to add invisible users (admins, test users).
12. I'd REALLY love the ability to use the
Favorite Smilies and
Smilie Popup+ mods in conjunction with this shoutbox.
13. I'd LOVE to get the latest version!! Some of the bugs you've fixed (especially the bug for users to search or view archive of channels they can't access) are showstoppers for me! I want to get the brand free version into production once you get the latest one out. I can't wait!! Keep up the great work!