Great addition, thank you for this Sofia.
I was wondering, how could we get to use $stylevar in this:
<if condition="$show['thisfoldertotal']"><td width="$tdwidth[folder]" style="background-image: url(images/pmbars/bar_red.gif); font-size:10px" title="<phrase 1="$totalmessages">$vbphrase[messages_stored_in_folder_x]</phrase>"> </td></if>
as it is a background image we cannot easily assign a $stylevar like:
<if condition="$show['thisfoldertotal']"><td width="$tdwidth[folder]" font-size:10px"><img src"$stylevar[imgdir_pmbars]/bar_red.gif" title="<phrase 1="$totalmessages">$vbphrase[messages_stored_in_folder_x]</phrase>" /></td></if>
I'd like to be able to use this in my Themes but manually editing more files is a drag, do you know of any way of using $stylevar so we don't have to manually enter the style urls to the images.