Originally Posted by readjono
Hey Andrew,
Hope you might be able to help. I've reverted all templates in the new version but it seems to not come out how previous versions appear. I looked in the default VB but it still has the same effect.
All the text descriptions are aligned right.
I think you've got the LDM admin setting link_imagesize set to 500. LDM attempts to grab the cover art from mp3 files and show it as the entry's image, scaled to link_imagesize pixels and placed in a cell at the left side of the entry bit. For some reason, it is actually displaying blank images for your mp3 files, but these are still occupying the 500pixel box, and this is what is pushing your text to the right.
Originally Posted by readjono
Another user requested this. You can modify LDM admin setting length_shortname to change the cutoff
Originally Posted by readjono
Finally on the jukebox is it possible to remove the box surrounding the description?
You need to modify the links_playbit template. There's a sequence that reads
<td colspan="3" align="center">
<fieldset class="fieldset">
<legend>$linktypebit $linkurljump</legend>
You can change this to, e.g.,
<td colspan="3" align="center">
$linktypebit $linkurljump