Thanks Dean
To be honest mate, i've done everything Paypal have asked for Its them dragging their heels and taking forever, whilst all this is going on, I'having to dip into my savings so that i can get the goods out to my Customers.
To me Paypal is stealing my money, until i get it back, makes me so angry.
Do paypal assume everyone is a scammer?? Do they not know by witholding customers money the goods will not get made and as a result the customer could incurr further bank charges late payments.
It would be illegal for a Bank to act in this manner, how can paypal get away with it??
I've paid ?50 for a merchant Account with Nochex, I spoke with a guy there last week and we went through all the account opening there and then, unlike paypal, when they need to know something they freeze your account
At least now customers can pay with their credit and debit card without having to open a paypal or nochex account.
Dean, Thanks again for your ideas mate, I did look at worldpay, and getting one from my bank, but they do charge and i've worked it out, with the fee's nochex charge, Its cheaper for me to use Nochex, I don't sell that much possibly once or twice a week, paying a monthly fee would not be cost effective as yet.
I've signed up to Google Checkout also, thanks for that
I've lost faith in paypal now, whilst its handy for the odd ebay purchase, anything else is a nightmare even if you've set up a verified business account with them.
So not sure who the real crooks are the scammers or paypal