Originally Posted by TWTCommish
I didn't really follow how that would be possible, either. Either the mod didn't do anything, or it redirected all links and the whitelist didn't work. It can't be both.
Regardless, I'd be glad to take a look at the user's site, but he seems to have given up on it pretty quickly. If you change your mind, Saviour, I'm fairly certain we could find the problem.
Okay guys...
I'll try to describe the problem again...hopefully, this time, I won't lose you.
When your mod is installed...and a user clicks an external link, it's supposed to redirect them with a message that they are leaving the current site...correct? Your mod does not do this for me.
Your mod also opens internal links (from my site) in a new window or tab. I'm using Firefox 3.5. I included glitchpc.com in the whitelist. I had set "rel=nofollow" to off. All other settings were set to "yes".
Those are the issues I'm having with your mod. For the life of me, though, I don't see the difference between your mod and NuHit's mod. How is your mod any different than NuHit's...other than the fact there's supposed to be a redirect message that does not seem to be working for me...along with the fact that internal links are opened in a new window...which shouldn't be happening.
When I installed your mod...I made sure NuHit's mod was uninstalled, first. I tried several times to get your mod to work, but was unsuccessful. It's not that I had given up...I just decided to return to the previous mod I was using that worked fine. The only reason I wanted to try your mod was due to the fact a message was supposed to be displayed notifying the person who clicks an external link that they are being redirected to another site.
Again...I gave this mod every opportunity and it failed on every attempt to get the redirect message to display or to prevent internal links from opening in a new window...even after rebuilding the post cache. If it matters...I'm running vb 3.8.3, vba CMPS 3.2.0 and vba Links Directory 3.2.0. I use quite a few mods...so...I'm not sure if any of them are conflicting with your mod...but that could be a possibility. However...like I said...NuHit's mod is working flawlessly.
Also...aspen0 stated this:
How? NuHit's mod gives you the ability to turn "rel=nofollow" on/off. It opens external links in a new window and you can choose whether to open internal links in the same (or a new) window. It also uses a whitelist. So tell me...how can using their mod technically have me at a disadvantage? Other than the fact if I'm using their mod, I'm not using yours.
Well...that's it...in a nutshell. I look forward to your replies.