The instructions are still useless
Edit settings.php:
- set $tofield to your email address
Edit email.html:
- This is the message that will be sent. You can use any html editor to change it
(it must be in html, no plain text).
Set email address where ? where am i supposed to put it in between the quotes if not where ? put a test email where its supposed to be and tell me to change it !
Edit email.html:
- This is the message that will be sent. You can use any html editor to change it
(it must be in html, no plain text).
Which message am i supposed to be editing there are 2 messages ? put a test message saying edit this message here and then ill know where !
Take the links off, it looks like ur just trying to advertise ur own site, I aint adding it to advertise ur site, I want to promote my own not urs, leave hte links in hte footer if u wanna advertise ur site !
1. Go to"Admin-cp"
2. Expand "Languages And Phrases" and click on "Search in phrases"
3. Search for text :
Thank you, <strong>{1}</strong>. Your registration is now complete.<br />
4. It will open "Varname : $vbphrase[registration_complete]"
5. In text field write your message or refer to Projects Planet message below (Make sure you change the script url to and also change the available scripts list. Free version have only Gmail and Yahoo.) :
Thank you, <strong>{1}</strong>. You are just 1 step away from registration!!
<h1>Final Step :</h1>
Invite your friends to join you at Projects Planet! <a href=""><strong><h3>Click Here To Proceed To Final Step.</h3></strong></a>
You can invite your friends/contacts from <strong>Orkut, Hi5, Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, Live/Hotmail, Bordermail, Hushmail, Netaddress, Clevergo, Techemail, Popstarmail, Mail2World, FastMail, Yahoo!, LinkedIn,,, OperaMail,, Atlas, Zapakmail, Virgilio, Doramail, Nz11, AOL, Canoe, Terra, Libero,, GMail, Gawab, KataMail, Rambler, Yandex, Apropo,,, Evite, Azet, Rediff, Uk2, Interia, Abv,, Care2, 5Fm, Bigstring, Walla,, Freemail, O2,, Lycos, IndiaTimes, Meinvz, Flickr, Faces, Brazencareerist, Vkontakte, Cyworld, Xanga, Skyrock, Motortopia, Multiply,, Mydogspace, Fdcareer, Konnects, Flixster, Plazes, Vimeo, Xing, Hyves, Ning, Badoo, Lovento, NetLog, Friendfeed, Eons, Perfspot, Mycatspace, Famiva, Mevio, Plaxo, Tagged, Plurk, Twitter, Kincafe, Livejournal, Xuqa, Flingr, Bebo, Bookcrossing, and many more.</strong>
<a href=""><strong><h2>Continue >></h2></strong></a>
5. Click on "Save" button and thats all!!
Im with you up to step 3 and have no idea what to do after that !