If I knew how to code it I would, but as I said, I don't have enough time to learn something new! As I'm sure you don't have enough time to learn how to heal people without the use of drugs or surgery like I do. You could learn, but it would take you years and I'm sure you wouldn't want to learn it if you were only going to use it once. If I possessed the skill to code with php, I would definitely help debug this but I don't so it would be nice to see someone that did code...such as the creator or the supporters of this mod...it'd be nice to see a fix to problems that seem consistent on every board that has installed this. This mod has been up for a year and doesn't even work on 90% of people's boards...
I commend you for being able to code this and will give you praise if you do fix it. I didn't even know anyone was working on it since the coder just up and disappeared and it hasn't been updating in the longest period of time. And I hadn't seen you post anywhere saying you were updating it. If I missed it, I'm sorry.