Helloi just finnished the installation had some personal things need to take care of first.
I would like to change some wording on the mod.I dont know if there is still support but im hopeing there is
how do i change these words
1. on my forum title how do i change this word "mod"
2. supported, DB Changes, Uses Plugins, Template Edits
Auto-Templates, Re-useable Code, Code Changes,Adistional Files,
Translations and so on..How do i go about changeing these names?
4. In the table it says 'MOD Information"and so on. How do i change these
in your instructions on number 4. it says
suche nach:
what does suche nach mean?
also what does this mean füge darunter ein:?
also how do i go about setting up a MOD of the year?
how do i go about setting up Polloptoins for MOTM?
is there a way i can speed up the MOTM to make sure its set. what i mean can i set it for mod of the day so i can test this? or does the system automatically configure the moth itself and i just have to wait?
thanks again in advance for your help