Originally Posted by smirkley
Thank you and that does answer my question. I will be installing this but havent yet as I am not at my main console. Had I installed it I would have known about the whitelist, so my bad, and thank you again.
As I have further thought about this, I am left wondering a bit more on the purpose of all the internal links on the redirect page.
Since the redirect pages full purpose is to dilute the assumed pr points loss for pages with many external links in posts, than the redirect page is assumably doing this by virtue of pulling the link off the page as a single external link, and surrounding it with internal links that normally appear as a function of page view in the forums.
But the more I think about it, it wont matter anyway on the redirect page, as the original threadview page is the one we hold greater concern with in regards to pagerank, as that is the one we have indexed. The external links will be by virtue of this mod, already prevent the pr points from being leaked away, and the redirect page, which is never spidered anyway as it is nofollow (I believe), will hold no concern nor effect of the pr points of the original indexed thread page.
Basically, I am seeing that a simple no-header/no-footer redirect box/page would suffice in protecting the pr points of the original thread, provided the original thread external links are reformatted to appear internal, as I believe this modification does already, to the search engines.
Is my thinking flawed in this?
Thanks again.
Yes, you're not understanding, I'm not sure where exactly you're going wrong, but you are.
The redirect pages WILL be indexed by search engines, they have to be.
And the redirect links cannot be nofollowed, or you still lose the PageRank. That is what Google changed. Prior to this change using nofollow removed the links from the equation that figured how much weight would be given to each link. They changed it so the links are included, they just don't get delivery of their weight.
Let me try to explain as simply as possible.
Normally you would send all your weight to the external links, or, if they were nofollowed, the weight would simply be removed from circulation. In either case, you do not get to keep it.
By using this plugin instead of sending your weight to the abyss or to external sites, you're sending your weight to the redirect page.
The redirect page then sends most of your weight back through your site through your menu/header/footer. The small fraction that is left is all that ends up being lost.