I'm not sure don't think so.
When I type in my template for the link - <td><if condition="$leagueid"><br /><a href="http://www.MYFORUM.com/MYFORUM/delete.php?leagueid=$leagueid">Delete</a></if>
It says
(EG) http://www.MYFORUM.co.uk/MYFORUM/del...?do=leagueid=1 on the final link before you choose to delete the league.
If I entered into the delete.php file:
PHP Code:
$leagueid = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('g', 'id', TYPE_UINT);
$leagueid = $db->query_write("
DELETE FROM denver_leagues
WHERE leagueid = 1
SELECT * FROM `denver_results` WHERE 1
It would then delete league 1 when I clicked delete. This means I would have to change the code everytime the leagueid changes.
There must be a way to do this so you don't have to keep changing it.