Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive
It may be about force Jacquii, But mainly National Security i dare say.
Ah! Now we get to the truth of the situation. National Security eh? Funny.
But why make all the false arguments, purporting to give a damn about the debasement of women when "national security" is at issue? For me - that just goes to show that there is a secret, hidden agenda behind the whole farcical "no burkha" legislation. And for this reason alone - I think the no-burkha law is despicable. There's a way to do things, and I would dare say the anti-muslim stance shrouded in the lie of "empowering woman" is no different than covering oneself up in a burkha.
ps - I was actually serious about the statement I made - what is the said penalty if a woman is caught wearing a burkha, thus breaking that ridiculous French law? And yes - I know that in some islamic-premised countries there is stoning; sometimes I think such stringent punishments would fair well in western countries ala the thief gets his hands cut off hahaha...
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Originally Posted by lasto
No because Our countries are civilised.
Lets discuss how our women must cover up when they go to certain countries,or not even be allowed to kiss or cuddle or show affection for one another in public regardless if married or not.
Maybe we should try and force our views on these countries like they try to do with ours
Ah! Are we talking about "getting even" with these evil Muslim countries or are we talking about actually having the best interest of oppressed woman at heart?
Looking at this purely from an unemotional and unbiased stance - I would say that you guys are being bigots: "Those people are bad so let's take away their rights to wear what they want to wear."