How come when I try to copy and paste one of the Cyb templates into another custom template, it doesn't work? I tried copying/pasting the cyb_topstats_newposts into another template and it returns the text "N/A".
OK, I finally got it down...
Now I need to know how to edit that piece without messing up the topstats on the main forums. I want it to display the thread titles, nothing else.
Edit: OK, I figured out how to edit it. I made another style with a customized template (chat.php) and removed everything. It displayed exactly what I wanted but apparently your code won't work unless $headerinclue is in the template, which screws everything up because I wanted it to display the table alone to show up on, but it would include the <body> tag and show up as an entirely different page instead of going on as a table.
Think you can help me? If you don't understand what I'm trying to do, then see this thread: