Originally Posted by AzzidReign
I haven't seen news from you stating you were updating this mod so how are any of us suppose to know you are working on one?
Well, if you wanna know something, you should ask.... instead, you posted a sarcastic comment to a reply that didn't even involve you.
Originally Posted by AzzidReign
This mod just plain stopped working on my site sadly. It would be nice to see a version that would actually work like it's suppose to.
Yes, and it would be nice if I won a new car. If it's important to you, you should learn the mod's code or at least encourage people to help debug it. You complain about not having time.... we all don't have free time on our hands. Making snippy comments about the bugs will get you nowhere.
If you're curious as to when the upgrade will be done.... it's done when it's done. I like many other coders will not give a definite date 'cause users will keep pestering for its release. It's actually near done, but now I'm debating if it's worth releasing given all the negative comments & vibes posted in this thread....