Thanks for that Tim, i haddn't realised that a Muslim Country actually Banned the burkha too
Now what does that say??
The Strict laws governing the burkha, looks like its not welcomed in a moderate Muslim society, I feel its very outdated and when you think of the burkha you think of the taliban and their strict muslim laws, which frequently excuted people almost daily in Afganistan. Even in countries where the Burkha is worn, women are told to wear the burkha and failure to do so can result in beatings, harassment or other worse punishments.
There have also been instances where men wore the burkha to escape from the police or to hide their identities from the authorities. One such famous incident occurred at the Red Mosque siege in Pakistan, and recently on of the London Bus Bomb Terrorist espaced police custody dressed in his sisters Burkha.
Modern day muslims base their authority regarding the Burkha on the Hadith or collected traditions of life in the days of Muhammad the prophet. But a noteworthy objection is that Hadith describes 7th century Arabian life, which should not be imposed on modern day Muslims world wide.
Muslim communities also argue that women are to dress modestly but should not be forced or punished to wear a burkha. This is why many Muslim communities have different preferences regarding the application of the burkha.
There are both the opponents and the supporters of burkha out there but many Muslims are starting to agree that such enforced dress code is not necessary. Unlike historical times, many nations have begun to lessen their enforcement of the burkha. Women are also no longer required to wear the burkha (only some Muslim nations) even though they are encouraged to wear modest clothes such as a headscarf (most of Islamic states). Liberal Muslims and women’s rights groups are advocating for the compulsory enforcement of the burkha to be stopped so a women (and girls) are given the choice to decide if they want to wear the burkha or not. Currently, this issue or topic is hotly contested by the Islamic scholars, Muslim Communities and the Western nations. However, as Islam moves into the modern age, one can only speculate as to what the future of burkha will truly be.
Makes me also wonder how many Muslim members disagreed with the french actually have Sisters Mums and other female Relatives wearing the Burkha, and are not simply disagreeing because they are Muslim ?? Which is not what this debate is about.