Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive
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One thing I don't think you have mentioned at all (pardon me if I am wrong):
The burka is effectively banned in Turkey (a Muslim country) as well, and has been since 1927 or so; the actual legal ban in Turkey is on veils of all kinds, and the burka being the industrial-strength veil to end all veils, it's like kinda triply illegal.
These days you do see many Turkish women actually ignoring the law in Turkey and adopting the veil; it's usually a political statement, where they are identifying themselves as supporting the overall new Islamist* trend in Turkey. But AFAIK it's still illegal on the books.
* And it was precisely because of Islamic fundamentalism that Turkey, while remaining a Muslim country, banned the veil back in 1927 or so; the government of that time wanted a reasonable amount of what you could call church/state seperation, and a fraction of secularism in society.