Alright I have updated the translation exceptions a little bit.
Basically go to your plugins in VB, and if you remember you created one that hooked "global_complete".
Find that plugin, and edit it.
Replace that plugin with this:
// Enable UTF-8 characters
if(isset($_GET['hl'])) {
$output = str_replace('lang="en"', 'lang="'.$_GET['hl'].'"', $output);
header ('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
// Keep remainders of <style and <script tags!
$time = time(); // Unique Tag Identifier!
preg_match_all('|<script[^>]*>(.*?)</script>|si', $output,$scripttags, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$output = str_replace($scripttags[$i][0], "<a name=\"$i\"></a>",$output);
$output = str_replace($styletags[1][$i], "<a name=\"s$i\"></a>",$output);
preg_match_all('/<!--ntstart-->.*?<!--ntend-->/', $output,$notranslatetags, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$output = str_replace($notranslatetags[$i][0], "<a name=\"t$i\"></a>",$output);
// Place back remainders of <style and <script tags!
$output = str_replace("<a name=\"t$i\"></a>", $notranslatetags[$i][0], $output);
$output = str_replace("<a name=\"s$i\"></a>", $styletags[1][$i], $output);
$output = str_replace("<a name=\"$i\"></a>",$scripttags[$i][0] ,$output);
$output = str_replace("<!--ntstart-->", "", $output);
$output = str_replace("<!--ntend-->", "", $output);
I have changed the tags to <!--ntstart--> and <!--ntend-->
What you can do with this is if you have some piece of information that you dont want to be translated, wrap it in those tags. You can do so in your templates or php files or whatever.
You should never see those tags in your actual html page as they will be removed.
I have also made some improvements in regards to translating numbers and times. I've found that by disabling translation of time likes 01:30 PM and by disabling translation of numbers like 32,423, you sacrifice a bit of readibility for foreign users but the pages load MUCH faster. I haven't included this in any of my posts yet but I will soon.