Originally Posted by unp
Burkha is not much different to Nun's habit.So how one is 'debasement' and other isn't.
Well - to be honest - I think you will find that the arguments for Sarkozy's anti-burkha legislation is more of an anti-Muslim thing cleverly disguised as giving a damn about the debasement of woman... You will see that the main argument has become "If you don't like the law - then go back to your Muslim country." --- It's a bit of a shame really, easy dismissal is abundant, as noted when an interesting point of trying to do the same to Jewish people was brought into the equation. The argument was simply ignored.
I think you will find also that your point regarding the nun's habit will meet similar... I can see similarities yes, but then again - the Muslim female in a Burkha or hijab is not giving her life over to Christ
On the same token though - I do quite understand that civilizations are allowed to make such laws in their countries. All nations are based on laws I suppose... The law of the land is the rule of the land until the government is overthrown and new laws are put in place LOL