Originally Posted by snoopy5
I use this on vb 3.80 without any problems. One of the best mods out there!
BUT this mod does not work with visitor messages. I get currently massive spam over the visitor messages.
If this mod would include not only postings in forums, but also in visitor message with a user profile, this would help a lot!
Any chance to get this done with visitor messages?
I'm sure it could be adapted to Visitor messages. I haven't had spammers hit me that way. The one I have seen them try is Signatures a lot though...
There's one way to fix either of these problems. Create a usergroup for people that have say, 10, 20, or 50 posts. Make it so regular users with less than this many posts do not have access to post signatures or Visitor messages. Unless the spammer starts after making 50 legitimate posts (very unlikely) their spam will never be seen.
Or for a quick fix, make your most generic/lowest post count usergroup have this setting applied:
Follow Forum Moderation Rules
In the guest/visitor profile page option of the usergroup CP ^^^
Originally Posted by darkie79
Do you have an email? I'll just send a couple text files with the changes.
Sure, send it to dan -at- tweak3d dot net