Originally Posted by EidolonAH
You may feel you have every right to behave however you want, but the fact is you need to consider that we make these Themes completely out of the goodness of our hearts. The absolute least you can do is to come here and ask for help in a considerate and respectful manner. If you cannot do this then why on earth would you think anyone would want to help you, life is not all about you.
As Mike has stated, please provide us with the link to your site so we can see the problem, a screenshot is no use, I will need to see the problem on a live environment as I may need to view the page source code to find the problem.
I am wondering if you are meaning the categories are uneven, this can happen width fixed width Themes and separated categories, if that is the problem try this:
Set your last Thread length to 20, this is to align the forums in compensation for the split categories, follow this path:
vBulletin Options
Forum Listings Display Options
Last Thread Title Maximum Displayed Characters
set value to 20
I'm reuploading the skin and I will let you see it. My forum link is MLGForums.com and I have set the length to 20, we will see if it works
EDIT: It does the same thing, please take a look when you can. I have set it as default skin so you may see.