Originally Posted by GoTTi
nlp - only 2 tables are doing "something" on 1 of the sites. the medium and short tables are writing something in there. the cache isnt writing anything....what could be causing the cache not to write?
those tables are to separate short, medium and long translations. Most forums have lot of short translations, then some medium and sometimes long. So it is ok.
I just wrote my own spider which goes to every page generated by vbSEO sitemap generator (must done little change in their code to automatically add all translations to sitemap) and also add rest languages available in google (over 40).
Now I have in sitemap 56 000 addresses. Spider will work for long time, and I will give you all some image about DB cache size.
Right now it just started only 100 pages done (not counting those which was clicked by users or other spiders), but it will already give you some proportions (keep in mind that I have over 40 languages not 28).
wt_cache_short 70 000 entries
wt_cache_medium 11 000 entries
wt_cache 5 000 entries
So it is ok that your wt_cache don't have to mutch data.
Also you can heck does wt_cache was appropriately created during installation. You need MySQL 5.0.3 or higher to be able to have it works, because I used varchar(65000) and in previous mysql versions varchar could have max size 255. If you have lower version - you can still use it. Just change
VARCHAR(65000) to
TEXT for column
oryginalText drop table and create again from changed code.
When I finish my spidering

I will made some automatic performance tests. Also change some other solutions (different indexes sizes, other order of filtering in SQL WHERE clause...). So it is possible that it will be even faster
Also good news is that when my spider makes translations all the time it doesn't affects speed of normal site generation (all lags are because of google translation server). So you can be calm - even if you wait long time for translation other users don’t feel it at all being on forum