Does anyone know how I would need to mod this so that when you click on a ticker item it opens in the existing window, rather than a new one?
Edit: For clarification, I would only like the forum based ticker to open in the same window. If I add RSS ticker items, I would want them to open in a new window.
I tried modifying the plugin and tried changing to target = "self" and Target = "parent" in the thread ticker areas, but that didn't change it to open in the same window.
$ticker_titles .= '<a style="text-decoration:none" href="showthread.php?t='. $ticker['threadid'] .'" title="'. $ticker['title'] .'" target="parent"><font color="#'. $tickcolor .'">'. $ticker['prefix_rich'] .' '. $ticker['title'] .'</font></a> '. $ticksep.'';