Webmaster Forums
A new web design forum site has opened up. Come check us out!
Things we offer:
1. Free Membership
2. A personal portfolio area you can post your portfolio & updates.
3. A place to post your free skins. styles & templates for any design or web script such as vbulletin, SMF, Joomla, IPB, Wordpress, MKPortal, etc.
4. A place you can post your free mods, hacks & scripts for those same scripts or ones you have coded yourself.
5. A place to submit your own web design articles
6. A Marketplace you can post your web design classifieds looking to hire, or hire ads, skins, templates, link exchanges, & other related items.
7. A place to chat with other geeks & gurus.
This site is a friendly webmaster site designed to help designers & clients find each other in a safe environment.