Originally Posted by nohuhu
There's a line containing relative path to the actual flash object in links_swfuploader_header_one template and somehow this line was set to "/forum/clientscript/swfupload/swfupload.swf".
Ouch, sorry about that. Will fix in the next upload.
Originally Posted by nohuhu
It seems that the problem is in ImageMagick that chokes on large images while trying to make thumbnails.
By default, LDM uses the GD image package (even if you are using imagemagick elsewhere). GD has a serious problem with making thumbnails from large files - I found once that it used over 50Mb memory to process a 5Mb image.
There is a new add on with version 2.3.0 so that LDM will use ImageMagick instead of GD. You may want to give this a try (test-newimagecode). The intention is to make this standard with the next release.