I'm packaging the v1.0.4 , it comes the last tests for stability. Any suggestion for v1.0.5 is now opened, please send yours!
Tasks in v1.0.5 :
Local URL feature. When you check the checkbox Local URL when posting a , the media will follow a predefined folder path. This will help the owner to dynamically fight against leeching and hotlink bandwidth abuse. For example the default setting for path is
www.domain.com/music012 . Local URL media obtains the folder path from that setting plus the media filename. Path can be easily modified therefore if someone copied
www.domain.com/music012/mysong.mp3 today, tomorrow it could be changed into
www.domain.com/musichaha/mysong.mp3 and the old link is no longer valid.
Upgrade some blocks.
In future there might be Article feature. Instead of posting as a media, the new type is Article