Wow thanks
You've explained what i wanted to know and a great reply -Thanks
So there are different "levels" in the Muslim religion, The less strict Muslims and the more Stricter Muslims. So the More westernised Mulsims will be the less stricter sect, but still muslims never the less.
I suppose the majority of those that move to a predominately Catholic/Christian Country would be the muslims that wear western clothes and want to have equal rights for men and women.
I would Imagine that the muslims that have moved to western countries have done so because they were persecuted in their homeland for whatever reason.
I'm all for any religion living their life as they should but if they chose to remove themselves from that enviroment, is it fair to expect the host country to make special allowances and provisions for them??
I mean i like to drink in moderation of course, but if i go on holiday to Saudi Arabia, would it be fair of me to expect the Saudi Government to make an exception in my case??
Thanks again and i hope my questions are taken in the gist which they are intended
Thanks buddy