Bug notice where URLs are only showing instead of the media (or showing oddly) in vB3.8.3:
It looks like there is a bug with the latest WYSIWYG editor. I have only done initial tests and have only just posted a bug in the vB bug tracker so it could be a little early yet to pin point, however: It appears that when using the WYSIWYG editor in IE on vb3.8.3, the editor will include color tags within the URL tags. This doesnt appear to happen with FF or earlier versions of vB. It appears that if indeed this is the reason, that AME is choking on the HTML/BBcode that is chucked in with the URL.
I am sure I can insert some tests to strip these out if needed, but in the meantime the only workaround I can find is to either post in FF or toggle to the normal text editor.
I am going out of town tomorrow so I may not get a fix posted until next week.