You are welcome
but what i can't understand is why there are so many hundred of thousand of muslim Women in western countries not wearing a Hijab, or a Burkha. Does that make them less good at their Religion??
good question. Of course it does.
By the way. We have to distinguish between Islam and Muslims .
Islam is a religion .
Muslims are people who believe the 5 foundations of Islam .
They believe that there is no God but Allah and prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah
They pray 5 times a day
They do fast in 9th month of each year
They give alms
They perform Al-Haj once in life
So, if Muslims women do not wear Hijab, or a Burkha , this will not make them non Muslim .
Prophet Muhammad told Muslims women and warn that lots of problems occur if they don,t wear Hijab . He told them also that the first alluring of Israel before was women.
This is in the macrocosm (this life ).
And in the last day, Muslims who do not obey all Islamic rubrics will get torment of hell.
Not only Hijab, there are many things Muslims should do it and all of these things will help the humanity . They are not random commands
You are free to ask any question