Very Sad, I heard it this morning when i got up, a great performer and there was a Michael Jackson song for everyone, I remember him mainly from the 1980's
Heres a coundown to the final minutes of jacko's life, First time US Time, second UK time.
How the news of Michael Jackson's final hours broke...
12.21pm (local LA time) (8.21pm BST) - Paramedics respond to a call at Jackson's home. He was not breathing when they arrived but had a personal physician with him. The paramedics performed CPR.
As this was happening: report Jackson, 50, suffered a heart attack and paramedics were unable to revive him
1pm (9pm) - Star's father Joe Jackson tells E! News 'he is not doing well.'
1.14pm (9.14pm) - Jackson arrives at hospital. A team of doctors attempt to resuscitate him for more than an hour.
1.35pm (9.35pm) ? Jackson is in a coma and his family arrive at his bedside. Sister LaToya Jackson runs into the hospital sobbing.
1.45pm (9.45pm) - Hundreds of fans gather outside the hospital, anxiously waiting for news.
1.50pm (9.50pm) - 'He had a heart attack,' father Joe Jackson tells E! News by phone from Las Vegas. 'He is not OK.'
2.26pm (10.26pm) - Jackson is officially pronounced dead.
2.35pm (10.35pm) ? Fire official tells LA Times that Jackson is in hospital. This is then reported by Associated Press
2.44pm (10.44pm) - breaks news Jackson has died, leading Google to crash.
3.27pm (11.27pm) ? AP reports that a person with knowledge of the situation says Michael Jackson has died
4.25pm (12.25am) - CNN reports Jackson has died after confirmation from coroner's ofifice
Jermaine Jackson holds a press conference at the hospital and confirms Michael died after having a heart attack
In the early hours Jackson?s body is transferred to L.A County Coroner's Office.