Originally Posted by home9000
You have to be neutral UKBusinessLive if your are wish to have correct vote
With your pictures and posts , you are pushing the member to vote as what you like and this not fair "Wash brain"
As par of the democratic,Why not let the women to chose what they want
Still I need you to answer for this :
Let assume this issue related to Jews
Do you think Sarkozy can do it
Finally If France has the Highest Population of Muslims then we have to respect them and give them basic right like to wear what they want
Hi Home9000
When i made this thread i was in agreement with the french mainly because we have to "Respect" laws of the country that we decide to live in, Just like we respect the laws of Saudi Arabia and respect their laws on Not drinking Alcohol etc..
So yes i have taken the side of the French, and the reasons why i have posted in my posts, its not brain washing people, its facts, and then members can decide for themsleves, i was hoping that there would of been a bit more of a discussion equally on both sides but i'm not getting it. I posted a Muslim womens forum to show how in certain cases the women are Forced to wear the burkha and even under violence. This is a major step as in France Women are Treated the Same as the Men - Equal.
You cannot have different sections of Society where Some women are in Power, Like France has several women Muslims in Government, and then you get the other end of the scale where women are treated as second rate objects.
So lets have a Great debate and by all means Post with links if need be the facts for your choice. I for one think that All religions can live peacefully together, without the Burkha, Forced Marriages, Honour Killings, and Public Executions.
You mention the Jews again, and in response, Jews, Christians, Buddists, I feel that if any alternative religion were to wear the burkha, it would apply to them, i'm sure. Remember its not an issue with Muslims as we've proved this already its an issue with Women where the burkha and not knowing for sure if they are forced to wear it or do so of their own free will. Thats more the reason that the French have decided to stop women wearing it, to protect women in general.
As par of the democratic,Why not let the women to chose what they want
If you read the muslim womens forum (Link posted earlier) you will see a lot of stories and some are pretty horrific.
But in the end it all boils down to where you want to live and the fact that you "Have" to abide by their Rules. You need to Respect that, and that goes for every country.