Originally Posted by skooby
Thanks for the quick response. When I change the option to make the thumbnails all fixed though, it cuts off the images (since I've made the images 200 x 200 instead of 100 x 100 in the template fix you gave me).
Is there anyway to have it so I can make the images a bit larger, and also have them align without cutting off the image? Sorry for my lack of PHP and thanks again for the help.
See attached for a screen shot. 01 is with the fixed width off, and 02 is with the fixed width on.
Open articles.php
PHP Code:
$thumbdivstyle = "text-align: center; width: ".$vbulletin->options['attachthumbssize']."px;";
PHP Code:
$thumbdivstyle = "text-align: center; width: 120px;";