Originally Posted by Preech
I would like members to be able to download select audio not all audio. Some material from my site would fall under the copyright rules. But as the adminstrator of the site, the DJ has requested if it's possible to make all the audio that he produce be able to download, not the mainstream material found on the site.
This option might be added along with Local Link feature in v1.0.5 . In the coming v1.0.4 there is an option to disable the download button for audio file.
Also make it a little easier to add artist, because some of the audio features more than one artist.
I have thought of all that when I made the decision to code the rule where we have to manually add an artist to the database. Without that, we trade for a price of flexibility : artists who have -no biography, -no list of media that belongs to that artist, cannot search because the name is not recorded anywhere. Take a look in the further future, you will see the reason why the hard work will pay off. A cleaner, more organized artist list, searchable and easies to find media by the artist.