Originally Posted by rapidphim
silveryhat, can it play files from imeem.com?
also, when will be the next update?
One small request, about the artist, can you make change so that user has the option to input the artist name themselves instead input by admin via admincp?
There are too many artists that admin does not have a clue which name to add to the database. Thanks.
Yes it can play from imeem, i'll post a snapshot of next version instant! guide to embed media link here
You can add artist from admin quick panel on main page after v1.0.3
For request of allow member to add artist, please check
HOW-TO & F.A.Q for DnP Instant! Musicbox
Originally Posted by vijayninel
Hypothetically say, If some members upload copyrighted content onto this, which is difficult to monitor; then wouldn't your site be vulnerable to copyright infringement lawsuits ?
Originally Posted by skol
I would imagine copyright infringement would come into play if the media was available for download..Which is not the case here.
True, if it is not the case, I have stated
Notice: Default theme of musicbox and images are properties of DnP Network?, they should not be used any where else but the musicbox without permission. Copyright notice is not to be removed without a purchase of branding-free version. Also, please do not abuse the use of musicbox to create an illegal source of music. It's all your responsibility when it comes to these matters.
v1.0.4 there's new option to disabled Download button.
Originally Posted by ubcforums
thanks for update...
[high]* ubcforums upgrades  [/high]
:] Guess you may have to come back soon for another one
Originally Posted by maidos
hello, wondering any eta when you will release a stable version?
also im going to wait installing this when you release a version that integrates with downloadsII which i hope soon hehe (selfishly thinking)
These versions are pretty much stable already. They are all RC. The effort to make it compatible with downloadsII is great while the demand is low so it's still on the queue line after other higher priority features.