Originally Posted by darkie79
bump on this topic, as I had a question. Monkey, the hack is great, but I had a question...
When I updated my word list, is seems to be extracting words from other words, for instance, if I post the word "pass" and the filter is set to moderate it minus the "p", it pulls "pass" along with anything else including that word; however, if I moderate phrases such as "I am going to shoot you" then it will only moderate that specific phrase.
Any ideas?
Hmm, that is a strange one. Can you paste in exactly what you put in your "Auto-Moderation Keywords" field in AdminCP? I didn't moderate phrases, but only single words (ie "viagra", "sex", or "http") and it has worked almost 100% to catch most spam. I'm assuming you're using it specifically for spam prevention.
I modified the code to send an email using sendmail, which in turn emails my cellphone text email, which in turn texts my cell I did this for my entire support team...it's a great feature, but the random texts got annoying over words such as what I mentioned above.
I was meaning to add that feature! I'd love it if you sent the modified code my way so I can update the plugin with that feature for everyone... if you don't mind.

I'll remove your phone # and give credit etc.