Hi Phalynx,
I currently upgraded from 3.8.0 to 3.8.3, there's some problem that existed since i upgrade it.
Problems :
Can't have level higher than 100.

I create custom level xml, and import it after i finished upgrading to 3.8.3. My user is so crazy they could actually jump 2 or 3 level per week. So i created custom level that i hope could expand their level higher. I follow your guide to create a higher set of level on readme_level.txt
I already done creating the new level set based on vbexperience_level_7_crazy.xml (using the XLS), and start importing it, then recount. Also, i have already set the Experience : Bars's Max Level to 255 before recount.
when recount is done, my user level capped at 100. They can't go higher. I checked everything, the xperience value, xperience level and usergroup, they are all right.
At the readme, i noted
Create your own levels
You can define the needed levels for your own - I've included an MS Excel Sheet with the raw data and also three XML Samples for small, average and big sites. Also, you have the possibility to decrease given points for e.g. posts and threads.
The XML files are generated via vBExperience_Level.xls, copied to a text editor, removed tabs and copied to XML. Using it that way you can define your own levels and also promotions. Just do some experiments with the XLS sheet. Currently only levels from 0 to 100 are supported.
I think is the XLS that capped at 100 yes ? Not the system ?
I attached the xml for you i used as custom level. And you could see the actual Ranking at here :
Something wrong with the layout

Before i upgrade, this list looks okay. After upgrade it to 3.8.3 this item list is getting too long and not wrapped like previous version.
I think it will be nice if vbex have some achievement system. Achievement could be given when user completed some set of condition, created by the admin. We can call it a 'quest'.
user will get this icon,

when they finished a quest for creating thread for the first time.
user will get this icon

if they already make 50 post on the boards.
I can't make this happen using the award, because its only affect one member at a time, and i think it's too linear to create this using promotion system. I think achievement should be dynamically unlocked, and could be keeped by everyone, based by some condition.
It'll be getting more interesting if one medal could be a multiplier to their points. Perhaps bonus exp point, perhaps faster levelling, perhaps bonus item, perhaps just a simple medal. There's so much thing that could be make by integrating achievement system in vbexperience. Too bad i'm not such a programmer.
This is a mockup of how the achievement looks.

Achievement bar is the place where the achievement medal placed. And the green popup is the information of the medal, triggered by hovering the medal.
user really like to race one or another user, by using this achievement things, user will seriously increasing their activity.
I know I'm asking too much. I'm sorry.
I just loved this mods so much and I could see some improvement headroom for the mods.