Originally Posted by down.low
Here's a test account for the demo,.
Name: test-acct
Pass: tester
You shouldn't make people register just to see a demo- what kind of website likes having memebers that practically don't exist or you'll never see,.- it's like having 40000 members and 40 active. That spells out "I'm a dead forum"..
Did you read the mod post? Sorry but it clearly states:
Demo: Click Here
(Private Board, not open to the public yet so no need to register )
*Full install instructions included in the zip, once unzipped please view Install.html also the demo has two of the five images reused but hover to see the description is accurate
I can't for the world understand how it's dead if it has not even launched yet

Edit: Demo Link has been updated due to oversight by some

so now it's another site altogether yet still no need to register
