Of course stupidity killed her.. She was using Twitter for gods sake.. That right there is a clue.. I agree with the OP tho who really wants to know that you are taking a bath or a crap or eating cereal at midnight.
I have both Facebook and Myspace.. Facebook more for actually using to keep in touch with friends and old classmates. Myspace is now used more for trying to talk to new bands... but anyways back on topic. Twitter is worthless in so many ways I don't see the need for it. You can do everything Twitter can with both Myspace and Facebook.. All you have to do is update your Mood/What you are doing and you have Twitter but all the other things that come with each one.
Eh. Just don't get it. I will leave you with this if you use Twitter, please tell me your name and make a Wiki page for yourself so I can use you in my Deathlist next year.