Originally Posted by home9000
Let assume this issue related to Jews
Do you think Sarkozy can do it
Who did this rule doesn't care about Muslims and this bad sign from Sarkozy to Islamic countries . This will effect the relations between France and Islamic countries in the medium term.
But who is the benefit from this rules ?
I do not think Muslims or France we gain anything from this rule except more spite between nations
Lets not miss the point here, We're not going on about jews as this is not what the thread is about, Its about a Soveriegn Country deciding that it will not allow a certain type of Muslim Dress into the Country. Its not about Muslims, France has the Highest Population of Muslims living in France than any other European Country. So you can't say that France dosn't care. Alot of Muslims that have moved their have escaped death from the Taliban in countries like afganistan, and made France their Safe haven. Its only natural that France protects its muslims from These Stricter religious sects.
A lets Remember that only a few percent of Muslim women wear the Burka, So its nothing to do with muslims in General or the religion.
We need to remember that the burkha is is recent idea which originated in Saudi Arabia, We need to remember that the Taliban aslo originated in Saudi Arabia and they did indeed want a strict religion where women were mere items to remain Hidden and Unheard off. Where theres no education, and no contact with the modern world, no books, computers, Teachers and doctors were often beheaded or stoned to death, women were told to cover up and only be seen outside with a burkha in the company of a male relative.
Its also from this stricter type of islamic religion that allows older men to have new brides with no minium ages, its common to have men in their 50's with a bride of 10 years or under.
You only need to read up online the numerous forums of muslim women that have had the courage to speak out
In Islam, there is no such concept of free will, especially with respect to women folk. They are treated as mere commodities in the hands of men. They are battered, molested, killed when they ask for freedom. To make the situation worse, women have given no say in their own marriage. Girls less than ten years are given away to men over fifty years!
Do you expect women in Islamic countries to breathe?
There are no such laws in Saudi Arabia that define the minimum age for marriage. Although a woman’s permission is legally required, but that’s a different story that some marriage officials do not think it’s necessary to ask them.
Running on the similar lines, recently a case has come up from Saudi Arabia where the court has discarded a divorce plea from eight-year-old girl married to 58-year-old man.
We need to Remember that the Muslim Faith is a peace loving Religion but there are certain factions that are simply fanatical and don't care who they hurt to get their way, even other muslims.
Lets not get mixed up here with Moderate muslims who wish to wish to simply live amonst us, This is about one country deciding that they do not want a particular faction in their country.
Its horror stories like these from Afganistan thats going to make alot of countries ban the Burkha
There is hope, however. Ten women study alongside 600 men at Kandahar University, a former male bastion.
Zora Koshan, 20, a returned refugee from Pakistan, is one. Koshan, who spurns the burqa, said: 'Many women are under the control of their husbands. They need their permission to do anything. We want an education, to be able to work and bring money to our families.'
Other women have been emboldened by circumstance. Widow Bibi Gul, 60, gathered her two daughters in a quiet room to tell their story. After her husband died, said Gul, she refused to surrender the deeds to their house, so her two youngest sons drove her into the desert and threatened to kill her.
'They pulled me out of the car and beat me,' she said. 'They said they would throw me into a well.'
Gul's daughter Aailia, 37, a nurse, showed a large bald patch on her head which she said had been made when the brothers attacked her.
Aailia's sister Anar, who suffered at the hands of her opium addict former husband spoke last, telling how she left him because he took a second wife. His torture left her partially blind, she said.
Now the three women live together. Talking to a male Western reporter could provoke even more abuse, but they no longer care.
Her mother nodded towards three blue burqas piled on her bed and said: 'I want to pour oil on top and set them on fire. I hate them.'
Like islamic countries, if you go to france you obide by their laws.