Originally Posted by amjadz4
Just change the member 1 to what ever you want! and you can make your admin account as 2. All through phpmyadmin. very simple.
Thanks - I can easily change the username, etc., in phpmyadmin - but how can I get all my posts from userID one migrated over to the new user, w/o merging them?
Ex: User 1 is twc_admin - it has hundreds of posts and history.
User 2395 is what will BECOME my personal account.
how do I move all posts from user1 to user2395 yet, still keeping user1 available (seems like the merge command would delete user1) ....
Then, after moving all my history and posts from user1 to user2395, I'd rename user1 to be what I want (a more generic, sitewide ID)