Originally Posted by JacquiiCooke
I actually voted yes - because I think the premise of empowered woman is a noble one. But then I rethought this - and the first thing that comes to mind is "How the hell can this President Sarkozy or anybody else for that matter tell me what the hell I can or cannot wear?" --- When a government gets in to legislating what type of clothing is acceptible blablabla - It may be time for that government to find better things to do with their citizens resources and for their citizens money.
For the very same reason Jacquii that the rulers of Saudi Arabia state you cannot drink alcohol, for same reason the Ruler of Pakistan says women need to be covered up, and for the same reason in afganistan the taliban are telling women to dress up as tents and have no function in the real world.
Its like me saying "How the hell can this Saudi Ruler anybody else for that matter tell me what the hell I can or cannot drink in his country"
As you can never prove if a woman "Really" wants to wear one or she's being forced to wear one, the best option is to make it illegal, That way your protecting them all the Fantical muslim who wants to talibanaise the western world will remain in their islamic country and at least those that do end up in france, for the woman it gives here a bit of her freedom back.