Originally Posted by MonCher
I've knocked my NavBar out of place by moving the welcome graphic
flush left. I have searched in:
Styles and templates -->Style Mgr. -->Edit Templates -->>Navigation/Breadcrumb -->NavBar
And I can't determine why it's not under the header graphic on the home page. But, it
is on all of the other pages. If you could help I'd really appreciate it. I've lost my log-in 
Why don't you copy your navbar temple from your Default theme, or at least part of the code, see if that works for you MonCher
Looks like, from your site that you've added your images inside a part of a code thats already their, or you havn't ended the code with a </div> or </tr> tag
Can you not re trace your steps and take out the images one by one and see if that works??