This Can be Useful Too, for Users that are Searchig to Disable Images in the Posts but Not Links for Certain Usergroups.
I searched for it on the Forum, but there was No Answer for this, so I guess it'll be Useful for some of You.
I Just did a Little Research on a Mod from
Cybernetec "Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count", and Found on the Plugin "Cyb - APBOUPC - P2 (PB)", the Code needed to Disable Images and Links in Posts and in Signatures; I Edited the Code to Leave Only the Code Lines to Remove Images but Leave the Links, (it was an Test and Error process because I'm not a Coder), and I Found that it can be done with the Help of that Useful Code from
Cybernetec, (
all Credits are His).
Only Step:
Create a Plugin.
Product: vBulletin
Hook Place: postbit_display_complete
Title: BBCode Permissions For Usergroups - IMG - postbit_display_complete
(or the Title that you wish)
Plugin Active: Yes
PHP Code:
if (is_member_of($this->registry->userinfo, 1,3,4,8))
$this->post['message'] = preg_replace('!(\\[img)(.*)(\\[\/img\\])|<img[^>]*(src|border|title)(.*)(</img>|\/>)|[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9._%-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b!siU', construct_phrase('<br /><span class="smallfont"><i>'.'[[To See Images in Posts You Must Register and Activate Your Account]]'.'</i></span><br />', $forum[linkview_nb], $cyb_apboupc_viewlinks_userpostsnr), $this->post['message'].' ');
-1. Edit the usergroups
1,3,4,8 for the Ones You Wish that Can't See Images.
-2. Edit the Text of
[[To See Images in Posts You Must Register and Activate Your Account]], to the One you Wish Users of those Usergroups to See instead of the Images.
That's it. Enjoy.
My Best Regards.