I'm always open to extending my modifications but I can't code things into systems outside my knowledgebase nor can I make this support everything. But this modification is made extendable for that very reason so while I tend to focus on extending the native functions others can add integrations... cheesegrits for example added vBcredits support which is fantastic.
But don't feel like there's no solution for the others...
I added the rep system based on request.
If someone wants to define the needs of more I'm open to making it happen if the code isn't going to require insane updating. It's not where what my product roadmap is focused on but after 8 years of doing vB mods I realize it's just as much about what you want as what I think makes sense.
So whether it's credits, experience (never heard of this one, yikes!) or some other system let me know how you see the two working together for you and ideally for others. What should be an option, what should just happen. I'll let you know if I can support it.