Originally Posted by fmckinnon
amjadz4 - are you saying that HTML that is present in the WordPress posts should go over into the forums and parse correctly, EVEN IF THE FORUM PERMISSIONS HAVE HTML SET TO "NO"?
How do you completely uninstall, and start over?
Yes even if its set to NO. the HTML permissions are overridden as per the poster's usergroup. So if he is an admin for example and has HTML allowed in its usergroups setting, the post can have HTML. the forum's persmission wont have anything to do with it then!
To completely uninstall this mod follow this:
1. disable plugin ( doesnt matter if u dont ) and delete all uploaded plugin files.
2. open up phpmyadmin or any database management tool on your server.
3. in the WP database click on search and type in:
vbb_ and select inside wp_options ( you will probably find around 27 matches )
4. delete all tables beginning with
vbb_ - make note of this as there will be some tables
NOT beginning with vbb_ do not delete those!
5. in the column find the "option_name" as
active_plugins ... click on edit.
6. search for a line similar to this:
i:5;s:12:"vbbridge.php"; ( the numbers may be different ) and delete it.
That's all. Plugin removed completely. You can re-install it now and make sure you follow EVERY LINE of the README. If you do not make a mistake you wont have a problem!