Originally Posted by BSMedia
But you need to read this bit too
This post only provides my personal opinion, my observation as a customer. Please don't read into it. I have no interest in participating in rumors, assumptions and the drama; though I probably share / understand other customers their arguments in these sort of discussions. And for the noobs who didn't get that: Just because I am not on the team anymore, doesn't mean I am by default "against" internet brands and/or jelsoft enterprises limited and/or the vbulletin product.
I think we need to keep a level head with all thats changing, if there are new changes happening then we should trust VB to make the best choice in the long run. I'm sure they have their customers insterest at heart.
Or we can run and shout "Battle Stations" Panic and create a sense of unrest, choice is yours.
I feel we need to give the future of VB a chance, rather than closing in like a bunch of vultures, ready to put the slightest whim into bad light. We need to stop all this negative thinking and saying "I like VB before, when everyone was onboard" its never going to be like that again! so forget it. New Products, New team = Positive outlook for VB.
How about we give them that chance??