Originally Posted by Quantnet.org
Originally Posted by JamesC70
Or just delete the line that states $forumrules from this modification.
I went ahead and put together a forumrules box that matches the rest of the options section.
Styles & Templates -> Search in Templates -> NEWTHREAD
Locate $forumrules, and replace that line with the following:
<!--- posting rules adjustment --->
<fieldset class="fieldset"><legend>Forum Rules</legend>
You <strong>may $rules[postnew]</strong> post new threads.<br />
You <strong>may $rules[postreply]</strong> post replies.<br />
You <strong>may $rules[attachment]</strong> post attachments.<br />
You <strong>may $rules[edit]</strong> edit your posts.<br />
<hr />
You <if condition="$foruminfo[allowbbcode]"><strong>may</strong> use <a href="misc.php?$session[sessionurl]
do=bbcode">BBCode</a><else /><strong>may not</strong> use BBCode</if> in your posts.<br />
You <if condition="$foruminfo[allowsmilies]"><strong>may</strong> use <a href="misc.php?$session[sessionurl]
do=showsmilies">smilies</a><else /><strong>may not</strong> use smilies</if> in your posts.<br />
You <if condition="$foruminfo[allowimages]"><strong>may</strong> post <a href="misc.php?$session[sessionurl]
do=bbcode#imgcode">images</a><else /><strong>may not</strong> post images</if> in your posts.<br />
You <if condition="$foruminfo[allowhtml]"><strong>may</strong> use HTML<else /><strong>may not</strong> use HTML</if> in your
posts.<br />
<hr />
<phrase 1="misc.php?$session[sessionurl]do=showrules">$vbphrase[forum_rules_link]</phrase>
<!--- / posting rules adjustment --->
The same code change can be used in my companion modification "
A new 'newreply' look", installed in NEWREPLY template.