Gotcha -
That makes sense. Well, here's what I have so far ... I turned off the auto-map, and I *DID* successfully post over to the forums via WordPress (hooray!). However, there is a good bit of HTML formatting in my WordPress post, and since my Vbulletin forum had HTML option turned OFF, it didn't render properly.
So, I deleted the thread, and changed the forum permissions to allow HTML.
I went into WordPress, saved the post as a draft/unbpublished, and then re-published it again, hoping it would re-post to the forum, but no luck.
Somehow, somewhere, either wordpress, vbulletin, or the bridge is remembering that you've already posted that wordpress post to the forums, and if you've deleted the thread from vbulletin, it won't re-add it again if you re-publish via WordPress ...
Does anyone know a work-around on that - or how can I make it repost to vbulletin again?
The bridge is working, because a NEW wordpress post works fine - and even the old ones, that are already in there, if I save as draft and then re-publish, they post to the forums .. .but if you delete the thread in vbulletin, and try it again - it won't double-post.