Originally Posted by fmckinnon
thanks - I'll give it a try. The reason I can't do the second thing you suggested (great idea) is because not all vbulletin users are allowed to be contributors on the blog - only a select few are. We use the "Role Management" plugin in WordPress - and those who have "contributor" privileges in WordPress can login to WordPress and submit articles; however, they go into "pending publish" so our editor can review and edit them before taking them live.
When auto-mapping is turned on, ANY vbulletin user can then post a blog (article) immediately without any moderation. (NOT a good idea) ... unless I'm misunderstanding something.
Well, you have to make a custom group inside vBulletin, and assign the users you want to that group, so you just map the custom group from vB to WP. The regular users from your forum should be mapped as registered.
For example, all my staff here are Authors, so i mapped only staff to be authors, and thats it, they have access to WP posting.
PS: When mapping, try to always select "Do not map" for groups that you do not want to map, doing this i guess you maybe prevent some mapping bugs to happen... :P