It's not bad looking, but if it's a purchased skin like the comment above states, I have to rant for a bit. If your forum is about web design / development, you could / probably should have a very nice custom made skin that looks very nice, and functions even nicer. You're advertising that you have the skills, show them off. premade skins are the worst way to do that.
Couple of other things.. Arcade? Why? It's a coder forum.. When I clicked in the arcade, it only showed that 2 members of yours even have an interest in it. 2 out of 150+?? Not something you'd expect on a web design forum.
Now, videos? Cool idea, I'm sure I can go there and get informative how-to's / tutorials / etc... Oh, maybe not.. instead it's just lolcats and "animation vs animator" garbage. It doesn't really serve a purpose if it's not being used to drive the focus of your site.
If you're going to compete with the big guys, you need to take it more seriously, I think. Make people WANT to come back. if you have a nice video tutorial, you're going to get return visitors constantly.. But if you have useless internet junk like every other message board, it's going to go in one eye, and out the other.
I like the idea and direction of your site, but I'm not going to sign up for it unless it's beneficial to me to do it. Give me something I don't know, teach me something, inspire me and I'll come back. Give me the same shit, different forum and I'm going to run for the hills.