Hello there. I keep getting an error when editing a certain post. It's this post:
This is the error I'm getting:
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:
Invalid SQL:
showsignature = 1,
allowsmilie = 1,
title = 'High PR Link backs.',
pagetext = 'Ok, so we all want them? Yes we do! Lets work as a community to find websites (when we come across them) not just go searching... But when someone comes across the website where you could receive a linkback, post the link here and we will make a list soirted by PR. Thanks! :D\r\n\r\nPR 10 Websites / Blogs / Forums\r\n------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n
PR 9 Websites / Blogs / Forums\r\n------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n
PR 8 Websites / Blogs / Forums\r\n------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n
ODP - Open Directory Project - DMOZ \r\n\r\n
PR 7 Websites / Blogs / Forums\r\n\r\n
PR 6 Websites / Blogs / Forums\r\n\r\n
Randa Clay Design (Post to get a linkback)[Blog]\r\n\r\n
Rock, Paper, Shotgun: The Force is The Method - PR6\r\n\r\n
Wonderland - PR6\r\n\r\n
Jay is Games - Flash and Casual Game reviews, walkthroughs, room escape games, point and click games, puzzle games and more! - PR6\r\n\r\n------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n
PR 5 Websites / Blogs / Forums\r\n------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n
BritishGaming | BritishGaming.co.uk - PR5\r\n\r\n
Flashgamer - PR5\r\n\r\n------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n
\r\nPR 4 Websites / Blogs / Forums\r\n------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n
Remarkablogger ? Remarkable Blog Consulting and Coaching - Remarkablogger (Post to get linkback)[Blog]\r\n\r\n
Affordable Internet Marketing[Blog]\r\n\r\n
Keen and Graev?s Gaming Blog - PR4\r\n\r\n
GamersGame.com: Your Online Game Blog and Gaming Resource - PR4\r\n\r\n
Evo?s PC Gaming Blog - PR4\r\n\r\n
Mordiceius' Gaming Blog - PR4\r\n\r\n
Addicting Games, Flash Games, Free Games, Free Online Games - PR4\r\n\r\n------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n
\r\nPR 3 Websites / Blogs / Forums\r\n------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n
GeekTown - Dave Elliott & Daryl Williams Blog, PC Gaming, Warhammer Online, LotRO, Sci-fi, Gagdets, Movies, and other Geeky Stuff! - PR3\r\n\r\n
Video Gaming Blog - PR3\r\n\r\n
Game Addicts - PR3\r\n\r\n
Flash games Blog - PR3\r\n\r\n
Doogog.com - Casual Games for the Hardcore - PR3\r\n\r\n------------------------------------------------',
iconid = 0,
attach = 0
WHERE postid = 8432;
MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Request Date : Monday, June 22nd 2009 @ 02:20:01 PM
Error Date : Monday, June 22nd 2009 @ 02:20:20 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : ElseAndrew
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :
I have tried removing plugin's but no such luck. Can someone help me out please?