Site Name: The World of Necrotania - Writing Community
Description: We are a Writing community with a strong Fantasy and Science Fiction presence in our library. Online since 2002 we have a great group of Authors and Reviewers who contribute to our ever growing community
Reason for Nomination: Necrotania is unique in how it handles writing submissions. We use a customized bridge to connect eFiction, a fan fiction script, to vBulletin. The connection is seamless and allows data to be shared between the two scripts.
Some key points are
- Custom tabs on user profiles for Your Stories, Your Reviews, and Your Favorite stories. Each tab can be disabled via the control panel
- Streamlined navigation that ties all the related areas of the site together.
- Most recent story listed in Postbit
- Unique utilization of the Social Network features of vBulletin to offer authors and readers new ways to connect with their peers.
We are currently running with two skins. The primary is a custom design I came up with to better reflect the writing nature of the site.
The secondary, called Blue and White, is a slightly modified version of a skin downloaded here (Facebook New I believe was the name). It gives a clean look for those who do not want all the graphics. Both skins can have their width adjusted in the user control panel.
Thanks for your consideration